
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Visiting Auckland and around

Hello!!!!  I finally finished that sock.....only took 3+ months lol

I have cast on its partner and wish me luck......

The day before we headed for Auckland we went on the car Ferry to Russel which we have visited a few times over the years and have also caught passenger ferrys ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

blog won't let me add link but no worries

Paul filming the ride 

We went to Auckland and this part of our trip was to visit Paul's dad again and help him with stuff....and of course we have to eat and this was a naked burrito our low carb option.....

and of course I loved this skull at our table lol

Mine mixed up with lots of jalapeรฑos yum.....

We have rented for 1 week this apartment for 2 lounge


Television lounge 

lucky to have washing machine combined with dryer


yep bedroom 

our hire car outside the bedroom.....neat place and simple

Another low carb meal cooked by us.....little soy on pork chop...cauli/broccoli bake and roasted radishes just like mini roast spuds ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

oh and watching yet again lord of the rings lol

last night mexican burgers with simple salad ☺

Today I was in the back seat with Woody while we headed out....

we had Terrence Paul's dad

Paul driving in busy Auckland traffic

father and son lol

me the back seat driver lol

this is what we bought for Terrence to help him get around safer......we hope

it folds up neatly and can walk down narrow areas

Long time friend of Dad and son Maurice with his beanie on....

then he wanted a pic with no beanie lol ......looking good Maurice

Father son and friend.....Dad is very tall ☺

and me wearing my batman hoodie and feeling warm.....thank you Sarah xoxoxo
love and hello to you all out there......let's  hope Dad does use his wheelie.....
we will be checking on him many times before back in Oz xxxooo


  1. How nice of you to get Paul's Dad such a nice walker! I do hope he uses it all the time. A fall is so bad when you're his age. The place you rented looks really comfy. Have fun on your adventures! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. It is wonderful that you and Paul can have some time with Paul's dad and enjoy some sightseeing as well. I especially like your backseat view of Paul and his dad. I'm glad Woody is still proving to be good company :) Cheers for you completing one sock and starting another! I had roasted radishes for the first time recently. Interesting flavor! [I think I like them best raw]xxxxxxxxx

  3. Gracie again thank you for dropping in xxxoo
